Learning, Living and Loving London

If it wasn’t evident by now, I’m 100% in love with London.

This week, marked my first full work week in the city (that’s right THE city because any other description would not do this place justice.) At this point, I feel completely comfortable in this magical wonderland. Not in a creepy, I would fall asleep on the Tube, way—although I have been known to fall asleep at Nascar so I guess anything goes. More like, this place was made for me. It’s so incredibly hard to describe why I love London so much but I’ll do my best to paint you all a picture.

London is loud.

From the tube screeching down the tunnels that were built hundreds of years ago, to the pubs that are just as lively on a Tuesday afternoon as a Saturday night, this place knows how to get down—but in a normal way. The fact that it’s completely normal for my boss to order a beer at lunch, that’s right, we hung out today to celebrate intern Andrew’s last day, is incredible. Drinking is so casual here. It might be because I’m actually legal (come on America, get with the rest of the world on this one) but I feel really mature.

London is quiet.

Yes, the tube is crazy loud but the people on there mainly keep to themselves.  Everyone is so independent. They all know exactly where they’re going and how to get there. I think this is where I feel most at home. I mean, love people—I’m in PR, it’s sort of my career choice. But there is nothing I love more than having my “me time.” For example, my journey to work is unbelievably gorgeous. It takes about 40 minutes door-to-door for me to arrive on site but it’s totally worth it for 3 days of my week. I’m taking a method of transportation that many of my friends have yet to experience—the national rail. It’s an over ground train that allows its passengers to see the city in all of it’s green, misty beauty. This ride is where I, and tons of other Londoners, spend our “me time”, together.

London is historical.

Let’s be real. How many times have you walked down the street and stumble upon buildings straight out of a history book? All right, maybe if you’re anywhere in Europe. But back in the states, this literally never happens. Although the area of town I live in doesn’t have as much historical significance as other places, Jude Law does have a house here. So there’s that.

London is modern.

Did you know Londoners are big fans of nicknaming things? Basically, my personality in a nutshell. If you’ve ever been out with me, and experience me attempting to learn names, you know that I just end up renaming people. London likes to do the same thing—but with their buildings. We have The Tube, The Lipstick, Big Ben and The Shard just to name a few. Literally, just across the street from so much history, London shares its ancient history with the changing times it now encourages.

London is green.

Can I just say that as a girl from Dirt City, USA I’m overwhelmed by how much greenery there is. (Side note, I love Arizona. I’m just in love with London!) To be fair, some things never change. Lunch is still my favorite time of the day except now I get to go on outside adventures in any of the many parks here.

London is wet.

It rains about 85% of the time here. The bad part is I have curly hair so we all know what that means. The good part is that the rain is more like a mister rather than a downpour. It’s like only walking through Tempe Marketplace on a toasty Tempe day. I’m the weird girl that doesn’t bundle up because I’m like a kid splashing in puddles all day. PS – Mom, I promise I’m staying warm. I’m also taking Vitamin C to kickstart my immune system.

London loves tourists.

I can’t tell you how many times I overhear a different language a day. I actually feel super lame that I only speak English. Not even the way English people speak it, mind you. But apparently I do have an accent. Today I was told, “You sound like the girls from The Hills.” To which I responded, “Stoppppppppp.” Touché man, point proven.

I hope this offers a smidgen of an idea as to why I’m absolutely, irrevocably in love with this place. Everyday I’m here reminds me that it’s one day I won’t be here which is actually a really great motivator to get the most out of my experience.

It’s also my new life mantra.

I promise I’ll try and post weekly, with something interesting to share I’m sure!

Until next week friends.


Lauren, In London

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