Now Implementing: GUZDAY

Tonight, I found my people. I went to an Imperial College social and learned all about how the local college radio stations work in London. Imperial College is a local university where us CAPA students are allowed to join clubs or socities OR “socs” as the Londoners like to call it. Basically, I had the best time which seems to be the norm here. Also, this is me just rambling but I totally feel like I’m channeling my inner Hemingway–who famously said, “Write drunk, edit sober.”  Which makes sense since I’ll be in Paris next weekend and Paris was totally his city. Hope you caught that I’m embracing my alcolholic legality here.

Anyway, these people were perfect. They were weird and talked about strange topics and it was totally my cup of tea. I have not felt more at home since I joined Sigma Kappa and that is just a whole nother feeling of being at home. Tonight, I met people from Nigeria, France, Ireland and of course the good old US of A.

As I was speaking to one of the guys from London, he was like, “Oh, there’s someone here from Minnesota.” Low and behold it was the official CAPA blogger himself, Lucas Scheelk. This was a dream come true as I’ve secretly not so secretly made it a point to become friends with Lucas because he’s seriously SO interesting without even realizing it.

So there we were.

The two Americans working the room with such grace.

I was proud to say the least.

Now, I haven’t made any decisions yet but just know you may or may not be hearing DJ Guzzy Guz on the 1s and 2s on Tuesday AKA Guzday. Who knows… When in London though, right?

Anyway, I have to go write a Shakespeare comparison now. The stage versus Hollywood version.

I just wanted to quickly share how surprisingly exciting my night was! I LOVE LONDON!


Lauren, In London

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