Passport to Paris Pt. 1

1381692_10200642757656219_639594253_nIt’s 3:22am and I’m fighting the urge to fall asleep. But if we’re going to be completely honest here, I’ve definitely dozed off a few times in my 3 ½ hours at Heathrow Airport thus far. It’s just so peaceful. Something about airports makes me feel safe. Crazy concept—I know.

I think it’s the fact that we are all here to EXPLORE. Whether you enjoy flying or not, once you get to an airport, you immediately become an adventurer. There are a few people here with me tonight, toughing it out these next few hours before the magic begins. Yes, magic. Because let’s be real, there is no way planes are up there gliding on their own.

Wait, a new thought just sparked.

Maybe it’s not even airports that feel magical to me. Maybe it’s because I’m in London en route to Paris. If that doesn’t sound magical to you, you can stop reading right now.

Paris, France. That city/country combination used to sound so foreign and now it’s a tangible weekend getaway. Not for a second am I forgetting how incredibly lucky I am—this all just seems so surreal. Like COME ON. These sorts of things do not happen to normal people.

Like, I’m literally listening to T. Swift, snapchatting and attempting to read. All very normal things that I used to do as an American. (Sorry guys, I forgot to tell you I’m just really embracing my newfound English persona.) If you think that sounds crazy, just wait for my next statement… I’ve even caught myself feeling a little guilty with how much fun I’m having. After snapping out of it, I finally figured out the reasoning behind it. As much as I love my time abroad—trust me, I don’t think I could love it much more—I wish I had my family and friends here to share it with. This world is absolutely breathtaking and I’m promising myself right now that sharing it with my future family is an absolute must. Don’t worry Ramsey and Mama Guz, you two are coming along for the fun too!

Anyway, I should probably conserve my battery since I forgot my UK power adaptor and only brought the French one. #studyabroadprobs

Next stop: Paris!


Lauren, In London

PS – let’s add Parisian navigator to my list of skills! Get ready for my post about tackling the Paris bus and metro system. And of course, all about the beauty in Paris. All in a day’s work.

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